Wednesday 1 March 2017

HOLI 2017

HOLI 2017

The festival of colours or the festival of sharing love is celebrated as a Hindu spring festival in India. It lasts for two days starting on the Purnima (Full Moon day) falling in the Bikram Sambat Hindu Calendar month of Falgun. The first day is known as Holika Dahan or Chhoti Holi and the second as Rangwali Holi or Dhuleti. This year Holi will be celebrated on 13th March.

Holi is a festival of happiness and colours. In this festival we share all happiness with our friends and relatives.


The festival has a cultural and social significance. It is the festive day to put an end and rid oneself of past errors, to end conflicts by meeting others, a day to forget and forgive. People pay or forgive debts, as well as deal anew with those in their lives.
Holi also initiate the start of spring, and for many the start of the New Year.


Days before the festival people start gathering wood and flammable materials for the bonfire in parks, community centers, etc. On top of the pyre is an figure to signify Holika who tricked Prahalad into the fire.

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